Real Homes is a premium WordPress theme for real estate websites. It has nice & clean design and it comes loaded with tons of useful features like Advanced Search, Google Map with property location markers, simple & grid listing, user login & register, front end property submit & edit, payment integration with PayPal, Visual Composer Plugin, dsIDXpress IDX Plugin support, WPML plugin support, custom widgets, various templates, easy theme options, easy to use meta-boxes, Google reCAPTCHA support and lot more…
Demo User Access Information
Username = demo
Password = demo
RESPONSIVE LAYOUTReal Homes theme is built in twitter bootstrap and it provides responsive layout with full width slider. So, it looks awesome on big screens as well as on tablets and smartphones. |
VISUAL COMPOSER INCLUDEDReal Homes theme now includes visual composer page builder plugin as part of the theme package. So, now you can build custom layout pages quickly & easily. |
REVOLUTION SLIDER INCLUDEDReal Homes Theme provides revolution slider as part of the theme package, that gives you freedom to build the homepage slider the way you want. You can also add the revolution slider on other pages. |
WPML COMPATIBLEReal Homes Theme is translation ready and additionaly supports WPML plugin. So, You can build your website in single or multiple languages. RTL languages are also supported. |
ADVANCED PROPERTY SEARCHReal Homes theme includes advanced property search with more search fields and search fields can be managed from theme options. |
EASY THEME OPTIONSReal Homes theme provides very easy and comprehensive set of theme options that will help you configure and modify the things around your website more easily. |
EASY TO USE META BOXESReal Homes theme includes easy to use meta boxes, To make it easy for you to add and modify information and media to your properties. |
SIMPLE AND GRID LISTING LAYOUTSReal Homes theme provides page templates and configuration options to list your properties in simple or grid style layouts. |
USER LOGIN & REGISTRATIONYou can provide login and registration feautres on your site to let users access member only features. |
FRONT-END PROPERTY SUBMITLogged in user can submit properties using front end property submit form and you can publish those properties after review OR you can configure the settings to auto publish a property as soon as the user pays. |
SUBMITTED PROPERTIES LISTINGLogged in user can view the list of his submitted properties and if required modify the information of a property. |
PAYPAL PAYMENT INTEGRATIONA user can pay through paypal to get his submitted property published. Payment feature can be configured or disabled from theme options. |
DSIDXPRESS COMPATIBLEReal Homes is compatible with dsIDXpress plugin and you can provide dsIDXpress listings on your site. You can also use dsIDXpress search widget in place of default search form on homepage. |
MULTIPLE GALLERY LAYOUTSReal Homes provides multiple templates to list your properties in the form of gallery. Each template contains a quick filter based on property statuses. |
GOOGLE RECAPTCHAReal Homes provides Google reCAPTCHA API integration to prevent spams. |
FAVORITES LISTINGSA user can add a property to his favorties so that he can visit the favorites properties page later on and find his short listed properties. |
CUSTOM WIDGETSReal Homes theme provides follwoing custom widgets. Advance property search widget, Feature properties widget, Featured properties related to a particular agent and property types widget. |
SIMILAR PROPERTIESReal Homes theme provides a similar properties module on property detail page which displays properties similar to current property. |
SUB PROPERTIESReal Homes theme provides a sub properties module on property detail page to display any sub/child properties like apartments in a building. Each child property works as a full property independently. |
CHILD THEME INCLUDEDReal Homes theme’s main package contains a ready to use child theme to make it easy for you to get started with modifications and keep updating the parent theme whenever the new update becomes available. |
DEMO CONTENTS INCLUDEDReal Homes theme’s main package contains demo contents XML to help you quickly setup your site like the theme demo and learn all the things by observing how those are done in demo site. |
COMPREHANSIVE DOCUMENTATIONReal Homes theme includes an easy to understand but detailed documentation. It will guide you at almost every step, Either it is a configuration OR adding some sort of contents OR installing a compatible plugin. |
Pre Purchase FAQs
You can choose to display up to four locations boxes in search form.
You can choose 1, If you want to display all locations into one select box.
You can choose 2, If you want to display locations like State > City OR City > Area.
You can choose 3, If you want to display locations like Country > State > City OR State > City > Area.
You can choose 4, If you want to display locations like Country > State > City > Area.